
Part Diagrams & Part Numbers

Please Note: All part #'s are included in these diagrams, some of which are discontinued

Google Docs - 1982 Honda MB5 Microfiche

- Perk LLC

Many hard to find, discontinued and European aftermarket parts in stock.

- Ignition switches

- Headlights with replaceable bulb

- Bodywork

- piston kits

- gasket kits, includes the center case gasket

- performance parts, 70cc kit, big carb, pipe

- Used parts

Restoration Links

Reproduction decals, Diablo Cycle, not listed on their site, but they are typically on ebay, click here

Factory Matched Paint:

For North America, Red is code R33, Helios (or Hilious) Red. See RS Bike Paint

The Black is NH1, very common, RS Bike Paint, Colorrite or others

Ebay! - really good source for used parts

- Known Discontinued parts from Honda (American Honda)

Headlight sealed beam

Battery side cover

Ignition switch kit

Center case gasket